Martial Arts University’s curriculum is a complete program to teach self control, self discipline, respect, self defense and much more. You will see as you train, the work outs will improve your physical fitness, the stress relief will improve your mental fitness and the class discussions will improve your personal power! Our curriculum is designed to help you in all areas of your life and become a true Life Champion.

Our staff is a team of highly trained and internationally certified instructors that are customer service experts! On the mat you will not find better instruction anywhere. Off the mat you will see why we are customer service experts. We will walk you step by step through your first 10 weeks to make sure your journey starts off exciting and smooth. After that you will have several check-up points where we bring you in for a sit down conference called PEC meetings. Our Personal Engineering Conferences will continue to monitor your progress, interest and concerns as well as help you over the speed bumps you will encounter in your training.

It is important as a MAU student to know that we have an open door policy. This means if you have a praise, tell us, if you have a victory or overcame something, let us know. Perhaps you increased you school grades, your discipline or now have better eating habits, then inform our team and let us celebrate with you.  Perhaps there is an opportunity for improvement for our team, then definitely let us know. We are here to help you on your journey any way we can.