Yakima Mixed Martial Arts trains in Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing and Kickboxing. We are open Monday-Friday 5:00-9:30p.m. and Saturday 11:00a.m. until 2:00p.m. YAKIMA MMA is home to “Team Guerin” we have World Class Professional Fighter: Rich “El Chupacabra” Guerin. Our gym has been home to many Professional MMA Fighters Bryan “Kid Lighting” Caraway,Tommy Truex,Sterling “Thunder Cat” Ford, J.J.”The Angel Of Death” Mix, Miesha Tate, Kyle McCarron,and Joel “The Nice Guy” Thomas.

Our gym is a solid place to train and we have produced world class fighters! We have an AMAZING amount of talent under our roof. However, YAKIMA MMA wants to let you know that: “YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE A FIGHTER TO TRAIN LIKE ONE” We have clasess for Men and Women, as well as children.