Dark Gift Combat Fighting System/DGC Reality Based Martial Arts in Houston, Texas is the pioneer of reality based/self-defense training. D.G.C.F.S. has set the standard and guess what everyone is following our lead, and we are also the official Training center for ICSDA “International Combatives Self Defense Association”.
One of the most outstanding martial arts facilities in Houston that is spacious, state of the art, and conveniently located. With over 6500+ square feett and still expanding, D.G.C. will also have a tactical training room for our students as well as Homeland Security, Houston Police, Air Marshals , and many other government agencies. D.G.C. has 12 150lbs bags, four speed bags, two double ends bags, and still to come is our wing chung dummy, free weight rack, situp rack, jump ropes, and pull up bars.
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