If you’re interested in learning how to ref MMA fights, for sure you’ll want to have trained in a variety of martial arts, kickboxing and boxing. Just watching UFC on the T.V. won’t qualify you.  Armchair MMA referees just won’t cut it.  Knowing the different techniques used in MMA is a must.  Spend some time at local venues ref’ing some ammy fights.

What’s next? Well – you can go to one of those fancy referee training centers out in California, IF you have the money to fly there, get a hotel and a rental car, pay for the class and then spend a week away from work. If you don’t have that type of money or time though – what other options do you have? Well, first check with your local MMA/Boxing Athletic Commissioner to fill out an application and register as an MMA ref.  Chances are you can find a copy of the application for your state on the school’s site already by checking here: http://mmarefschool.org/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=62

They’ll want to see your creds (which you need to include with your application).  Another option is taking our online MMA referee certification and training course. www.mmarefschool.org offers online workshops, a workbook and a checklist on MMA referee qualifications and certification, plus a lot of resources.

** It’s a lot less expensive than flying to Califonia; handy, since you can take the course at your leisure
** You can sit back with a cup of coffee, right where you are now – at home, in front of your computer – since you don’t have to fly anywhere
** The course is comprehensive and to the point – it works
** Once you’re done with the course, you can then have the checklist signed off by an experienced, licensed, local referee – and send it in with your application to the state AC with your fee.

Then sit back and wait for your license to come in the mail.  Well, nothing’s guaranteed…but at least your chances will be better, once they see your creds! Good luck! Remember Not everyone can qualify to become an MMA referee. To find out more information about how to qualify, and about our Workshops and training, be sure to go VISIT the www.mmarefschool.org website and then Register where it says “NOTIFY ME” in the box on the right (it’s FREE!). WE’LL LET YOU KNOW IF WE THINK YOU CAN QUALIFY. If so, we’ll notify you when we’re ready to accept new Applicants.