The Cleveland Mixed Martial Arts Academy is Cleveland, Tennessee’s first mixed martial arts gym with professional level instruction and with members training and competing at an advanced level. Cleveland MMA has the best facility and the best instruction available in the Cleveland area. Cleveland MMA provides an integrated program of instruction and training for men, women and children of all ages. Cleveland MMA also provides the opportunity to obtain rank in legitimate martial arts such as Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, and Hakko Denshin Ryu jujitsu.

Our instructor is Tommy Wales, a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Renato Talvares- part of the American Top Team. Tommy is also ranked as an instructor in Muay Thai kickboxing. Not only do we have legitimate instructors, but our grapplers have won multiple Tennessee State Championships and teach at other local facilities. We have an BJJ brown belt assistant instructor and numerous purple and blue belt athlete to help you hone your skills.

Cleveland Mixed Martial Arts Academy is currently located inside the Bradley Square Mall, next to Radio Shack.


  • tommy says:

    This team sucks there trainers dont even fight there just a fake gym that talks a big talk but team truth is good most likely the best around it you want true MMA training. They are also in Cleveland tn.

  • Chan says:

    We are the best gym in the area. Team Truth has about 1 person there, and is insane.

  • Dan says:

    Best place around to train. Good clean mats, Black Belt instruction. Lot’s of training partners. Come try a week free!