Warrior Martial Arts in Bristol, Pennsylvania, offers a Warrior Combative System (WCS), which combines and re-forms the best aspects of Savate, Boxing, Kickboxing, Tang Su Do, Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu into a comprehensive fighting system that covers all areas of unarmed combat from striking, to takedowns and control techniques, to ground-fighting, grappling and submissions.
The Warrior Combative System stresses the importance of hard work. Yes, WCS will dramatically improve your overall conditioning, coordination, reflexes, speed, power and stamina, but WCS will do more than just teach you to defend yourself. Beyond just the physical benefits, WCS will also increase your mental acuity, improve your focus and give you the tools you need to better integrate your mind, body and soul in a way that will allow you to reach levels of self-discipline you may have never before thought possible.
Warrior Martial Arts is a Pedro Sauer Affliate, and an active competitor in NAGA.
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