Fightopia Mixed Martial Arts in Piqua, Ohio, offers instruction in a variety of arts including Boxing, Wrestling, Submission Grappling, Maui Thai, and Jujitsu. Elements from other arts such as Judo and Catch Wrestling are also implemented. Personal trainers, Women’s Fitness, Children’s classes and teen’s classes are also available. Fightopia Mixed Martial Arts has classes available to fit every schedule. Day and evening classes are available. At Fightopia we have something for everyone, from people who want to be serious Mixed Martial Arts competitors to people that just want to get in shape and have fun. Private lessons are also available and Fightopia has very competitive pricing.



  • Ivan lapsley says:

    I need learn how to fight. And defense myself since people keep jump on me over over never want battle by one and one but I need more skill so hope y’all willing help me