Created by Master Terry Parkman, Jujiden Mixed-Martial Arts in Bismarck, North Dakota, has been providing instruction in the martial arts since 1997. Jujiden is a mixed-martial art brought into a set style and structure. It takes the practical techniques and conditioning drills from various styles of martial arts and successfully mixes them to make a fighter complete and well rounded. Jujiden means “Cross Tradition.”

Our Purpose at Jujiden Martial Arts is to incorporate various styles and realistic techniques of martial arts. The main focus of Jujiden is realistic self-defense and combat tactics. Our ultimate goal is to use our learned abilities to serve others. Jujiden incorporates elements of Karate, Muay Thai, Jujutsu, Sambo, Vale Tudo, Krav Maga, and various styles of Kung Fu.

Jujiden was created out of a need to expand in one’s area and knowledge of the martial arts. MMA is no doubt one of the top combat sports today. What we do is provide a strong martial arts foundation for the fighter. That is why at Jujiden, we successfully mix various styles of the martial arts together in order to find out one’s abilities and to which art or arts one might have affinity for. Unlike other mixed arts, Jujiden mixes martial arts in a way that blends each style together without conflicting or contradicting the techniques. Jujiden has been successfully tested and tried in both the tournament arena and in the dojo. It is a living martial art that has over 300 members both past and present.