Urban Martial Arts is a mixed martial arts studio based in the Ditmas Park section of Brooklyn, New York. We offer classes for children, teens, and adults. Building on a foundation of American karate, our program incorporates the most effective elements of boxing, kickboxing, grappling, and self-defense. Our classes are fast-paced, active, and full of practical moves you can use to defend yourself in real-life situations.

Urban Martial Arts is a black belt school. We are dedicated to developing in our students a clear mind, strong body, and serene spirit. We empower our students with black belt qualities, including respect, discipline, confidence, self-esteem, courtesy, perseverance, and positivity. By giving our students the ability to defend themselves and their loved ones, we are creating a stronger community, one black belt at a time.

Our workout floor is covered by top-quality Zebra combo mats, specifically designed for martial arts schools that combine striking arts and grappling. The combination of multiple foam densities offers both fleet-footedness and superb shock absorption, while the Tatami-style textured vinyl and anti-skid bottom ensure stability at all times.

Sensei Serge Sognonvi is Owner and Head Instructor of Urban Martial Arts. In 2009, he won the New School of the Year award from United Professionals, a leading martial arts organization, in recognition of the phenomenal growth Urban Martial Arts experienced in its debut year.

Our extensive selection of Wavemaster training bags and Powerline slammer shields, hand targets, blockers, focus targets, and focus mitts allow our students to fine-tune their kicking, punching, and blocking techniques. We also offer a fully-loaded Pro Shop to support the requirements of all our classes and programming. From uniforms to weapons, from sparring gear to t-shirts, we’ve got you covered no matter what you need.
