Flying Arm Bar Jiu-Jitsu in Union, New Jersey, is a place where beginners can learn the basics of Jiu-Jitsu in a small class environment from instructors that really know the sport. We are also a place where seasoned players can be challenged to bring their game to the next level. Flying Arm Bar is a small school with a handful of students, a place where the average person with no experience can come in learn a bit of the art and get a great workout in a nice, open environment. The school is a mix of upper level belts and beginners.

FABJJ is a place where people ages 18 to 70 can learn and train and have fun doing it. Unlike traditional sports where you learn as a child, Jiu Jitsu is a sport that can be learned by all age groups. Jiu Jitsu attracts those that want more than exercising at the gym or running, it allows for an excellent cardio workout that is not too expensive or time consuming offers the flexibility to practice competitively if desired. Flying Arm Bar is a fun, safe, welcoming place to enjoy the timeless art of Jiu Jitsu. We are a part of Alliance New Jersey.