Tokyo Joe’s Studios of Self-Defense in Hudson, New Hampshire, has been a leader in martial arts instruction since 1982. We were rated by Sport Karate magazine as one of the top martial arts schools in the world, founded on the principles of personal attention, tradition, and teaching excellence.

Tokyo Joe’s one-of-a-kind programs are designed to help our students become their very best. For children as young as 3 to teens, adults, and even seniors, every day is a great day at Tokyo Joe’s! Please stop by and mention our website, and you’ll receive a VIP Pass for ONE month of Karate or TWO weeks of Thai kickboxing lessons, including TWO private lessons.

Tokyo Joe’s provides the most complete and effective methods to assist our students to reach their full potential. Tokyo Joe’s instructors are personally selected, not only for their martial arts skills, but also on their ability to effectively communicate their knowledge and understanding to students of all ages. They strive daily to be the best they can be, and are continually upgrading their skills. They are dedicated to passing along that special quality of assurance and achievement to each and every student.
Sensei Matt Babine has been studying and teaching martial arts for over 20 years. He holds black belts in both Kempo Karate and Tae Kwon Do. He has been extremely fortunate to study under a number of superb teachers, including: Sensei Lou Hopkins, Martial Arts Hall of Fame inductee; Master Seroj Bejanian, martial arts world champion and movie actor; Billy Blanks, winner of multiple karate world championships and founder of Tae Bo; Sifu Yao Li, founder of the Boston Kung Fu Tai Chi Institute; and, Grandmaster Robert LaMattina, nationally renowned pioneer of American Shaolin Kempo Karate and founder of the Tokyo Joe System.

Sensei Babine has competed in men’s heavyweight sparring on both a national and international level and is the winner of numerous national and world championships.