Seacoast MMA in Newington/Portsmouth, New Hampshire, offers instruction in Boxing, Grappling Fundamentals (by appointment only), BJJ Gi and No Gi, Catch Wrestling, Hapkido, Muay Thai, and Korean Sword Kuhapdo. Private sparing sessions also available. Take advantage!” Want to get a jump start on your training come in and schedule a private lesson. Speak with the instructor you wish to have a private lesson with and negotiate time and price.


  • Carolyn Pickering says:

    The instructors and students at this school work together to get the most out of every lesson. The fight record for the gym at the last three venues was better than any other gym and the support is amazing.

  • Devin powell says:

    This place is amazing, so many awesome instructors and students. The class variety is also spectacular no place better for Bjj, Thai, catch wrestling, or mma.

  • Ozzie Diaz says:

    I have tried out a few mma schools and you can’t go wrong training at Seacoast BJJ. I started there wanting to just lose weight and get in shape, weighed 196 lbs. I descided to jump in the cage and the instructors just turned me into a confident fighter, brought my wrestling competitive edge back and tought me other martial arts, like Mauy Thai, BJJ, Boxing, Catch Wrestling and improving my Wrestling skills. The instructors are great coaches and will make you as good as you can be. I trained at Seacoast from February ’10 – August ’10. 2 wins 0 losses as a 170lb amateur fighter.

  • lisa powell says:

    My son has been training here for years. He has learned an amazing amount and continues to grow as a fighter. He has made amazing friends and has great instructors. I am proud to say this gym has shaped my son into the man he is today.

  • Nick says:

    Started going here two and a half years ago. Have been basically doing BJJ the entire time. The instructors are great! I have learned so much here about the art and about myself. I look forward to coming to class everyday after work. If you want to learn bjj or other MMA related martial arts Seacoast is the best place to be in the area.

  • Adina Beaudry says:

    This gym has been my family for years. All of the teachers are excellent and I never want to leave. BEST GYM EVER!

  • Ian McAlister says:

    From what I have seen, this gym is awesome. The people who work there are just so friendly and helpful to me and other customers. The trainers have a good and positive attitude towards mma fighting. I hope this place never goes away!

  • Tom says:

    Seacoast Mixed Martial Arts and BJJ is a top notch fighting gym out of Portsmouth, NH. The atmosphere is very conducive to training and everyone is given equal opportunity to train in multiple disciplines. Every day of the week is a different class and new people are always welcome. It is one of the single most welcoming and friendly gyms i have been to.

  • Joseph King says:

    Seacoast is a great gym, I’ve been training there for a little over a year and I’m convinced that Seacoast MMA&BJJ is the best place to train. It’s a great group of fighters and trainers. Come check it out we’re looking for new memebers

  • Patrick Maher says:

    In my mind, SeacoastMMA is the most diverse gym out there. In all of New England I have never come across a place that has offered so many different styles of Martial Arts. There are incredibly good gyms that teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Wrestling, but never have I seen somewhere that breaks down virtually every aspect of fighting, only to put it all back together in a solid understanding of each style. The price is unbeatable for the amount of training you can recieve. You can push yourself as little or as much as you wish. Seven days a week the doors are always open. The atmosphere of the gym is phenomenal! I started going here when I was 15 years old and all the adults worked with me in such a positive way. I never felt afraid of getting injured because everything was always under control. There are no ego’s because everyone wants nothing more than to learn. Whatever your skill level is, from knowing nothing to being an MMA fighter, there is a spot just for you. Personally, I originally signed up just for the reason of self defense. I recieved all that and more! I can’t encourage someone enough to come in and train here. We would all love to help teach and grow with you as a person and as a martial artist!

  • Whether you are an experience mixed martial artist, wrestler, boxer or just the average Joe/Jane, Seacoast MMA is the perfect atmosphere. The club features skilled trainers in MMA, Brazilian Jiu-Jitu, Boxing, Catch Wrestling and Muay Thai. Members include several top ranked local MMA fighters, beginners that strive to become fighters as well as members that just want to get into better shape while enjoying some physical contact. Ages range from high-school members to folks into their 50’s…regardless of age or gender, everyone is treating with equal respect.

    If you are skeptical about MMA, definitely visit the club. Just one workout will give you an appreciation for the skills developed in each aspect in the sport, mutual respect to the fullest and it is almost impossible to not get into better shape.

  • Matt Spadafora says:

    I have been training on and off Mixed Martial Arts and BJJ for nearly 3 years at a bunch of different schools and I can, without a doubt, say that Seacoast BJJ was the greatest school I have had the privilege to train at. Not only do they have a great facility but the instructors are fantastic and really care about progressing your skills to the next level. Its caters towards top notch MMA fighters all the way down to someone with little to no experience which is a easy for someone walking in for the first time. There’s definitely a great team dynamic, that becomes nearly a family experience after a while. I can truly say that I loved training there and loved all my training partners, instructors and friends. I would recommend training there to anyone and I can’t wait to get visit the east coast again so I can train with a bunch of great people at Seacoast BJJ & MMA.

  • J. Winch says:

    This is one of the best gyms on the seacoast, hands down. I have been training here in Muay Thai for 4 years, and personally I don’t want to go anywhere else. The training is top notch, and I could not ask for a better group of guys and gals to work with. This gym is a great place to get in great shape, or train to fight. The fighters here have been entering the ring, and coming out victorious. A true testimate to the quality training provided. If anyone is interested fighting or getting in shape, check this place out.

  • Louis Beote says:

    Really sweet gym and it helped polish my skills I learned in army, keep it up đŸ™‚

  • Trevor Stone says:

    Seacoast MMA is an excellent training facility with top notch trainers and some of the best fighters in New England. This gym has a great family atmosphere and caters to all levels of martial artists from casual students to fighters helping everyone grow on the path of their choice.

  • Dan Cook says:

    I have trained in the Martial Arts since the age of 7 (current age 44) and have experienced many different styles, schools and instructors all over the US and overseas. I can say without hesitation that Seacoast MMA is one of the finest training centers I have ever been to. The collective knowledge and ability of the instructors is paled only by thier dedication to thier students. Whether your goal is to compete, challange yourself physically or to gain a realistic and practical defensive arsenal; Seacoast MMA is where you should be. I urge you..go watch a class and you will see for yourself why thier competitors have enjoyed so much success in the ring.

  • Jared D. says:

    Great gym. Large facility, great instuctors, great atmosphere, no egos or attitudes.

    perfect for beginners or the advanced student.

    Couldn’t be happier with the training/instruction.

  • Yogi says:

    My freshman 15 turned into a freshman 50. By the time I graduated college I was 300+ pounds. In a short amount of time I dropped down to 230. The before and after was incredible. My cardio and endurance went through the roof, and I learned more about Mixed Martial arts than I ever thought I would or could.

    There are definitely No Egos here. No judgments. People are friendly and will work with you no matter what your skill level. I came in with no athletic or martial arts experience what so ever, and have developed more than I ever thought I would.

    Want to know the secret to losing weight? Having a gym that you actually want to go to day after day. That gym is Seacoast MMA. I can’t say enough good about this facility or the people in it. If you give it a shot I’m sure you will agree.

  • Seacoast MMA says:

    I came to this gym without any former training in mixed martial arts. Immediately, I was taken in under all of the incredible trainers and fighters that attend. This place is full of life and it makes you want to come back time and time again, within the months that I’ve been there they quickly became like a second family to me. The array of classes offered within just one week keep it exciting and produced some of the best fighters in the area.

  • Adam says:

    I started coming here a few weeks ago. The minute i walked in everybody there was friendly and wanted to help you. Its only been a few weeks and im already improving and getting more confident.

  • Eric Bickford says:

    Taught Me everything I know, Great coaches and training partners. Best place in New Hampshire/Maine to train!

  • Carlton Bonney says:

    I just started training at the beginning of this year (10) and i already can’t say enough about the gym. No matter how nervous I was walking in there, I always walked out feeling like a million bucks. The guys there are really great, know their stuff, and have the track record to prove it. Definitely the best gym around for those just starting as well as advanced fighters.

  • Josh says:

    There’s a lot to finding a good gym (as we all know). You need the right mix of people, style, equipment, environment and many other factors that make a “great” gym. If you’re just starting to train or have been training for years Seacoast MMA is a great place all the way around. First and foremost (in my opinion) the people are one of the most important parts of a great gym. The members/teacher of Seacoast are great. There’s no ego’s and everyone there is willing to help regardless of your level. If you’re looking to start training it can be intimidating (I know it was for me). No fancy facility or high tech equipment can help with that. The only thing that helps work through that is the members/teacher. This is why I train at Seacoast and give them the highest possible rating.

  • Stephen Tomlinson says:

    This place is dynamic, my cousin goes here and I went along with him one day and I couldn’t have been more impressed with the facilities and routines. Amazing place, definitly recommended.

  • Jenn says:

    You get out of the training what you are willing to put in to it- the instructors push you and make you challange yourself every session. They take you to a level of training you never thought you could achieve. If you are willing to go the distance they can get you there.

  • Vaughan Coder says:

    Seacoast is an amazing gym, each of the members adds something different and each of the teachers is excited to help you grow and learn in different ways. The Ju-jitsu coach is amazing and has trained with some of the best. The wrestling coaches have an amazing amount of experience. The catch wrestling coach makes a specialty out of leg locks which will give you an edge in matches when your opponent doesn’t expect those kind of attacks. The Muay thai coach is a monster and will train you until you lungs burn and will give you a great work out whether you want to get in the ring or just to get to a higher level of fitness. The Boxing and MMA coaches have a great amount of experience both in the ring and as a corner man. He really brings the whole thing together for you. But the most important thing about the gym is that when you step in the gym you are among friends and family. When the bell rings your teammates will come out swinging for your head but as soon as the round ends they are all fun and a pleasure to be around.