(29 votes, average: 2.86 out of 5)
19 Reviews

Reno Academy of Combat in Reno, Nevada, specializes in Ultimate Fighting/MMA which includes boxing, wrestling, Jiu jitsu, Muay Thai, Kick Boxing taught by our many instructors including Rick Collup. We have Reno’s only Full Cage with no nonsense Mixed Martial Arts (UFC) Style training. 

School Amenities
✴ Large Mat Area
✴ Bag Training Area
✴ Speed Bag
✴ Men & Women Locker Rooms
✴ Restrooms
✴ MMA Equipment Shop
✴ Boxing Equipment
✴ Muay Thai Equipment
✴ Jump Ropes
✴ Corner Equipment
✴ Round Timers & Training Supplies
✴ Two Full Size MMA CAGES


  • Stan says:

    Reno Academy of Combat is one the WORST associations I have ever witness and experienced. I was sent there to observe and report the operation back to a few MMA Camps in Las Vegas, LA, Washington and Oregon. I actually feel sorry for those attending that Academy and the Events. The “so called” MMA shows put on by Rick Collup – Ultimate Reno Combat – is highly questionable. 30 bucks to get in for general admission to an Amateur Fight. Wake up Rick, the place was barely half full. Plus fighters / trainers / managers get no ticket sales incentives. Rick, come on, open your eyes, they’re making you money!!! Don’t be one of “those” promoters who takes advantage of Amateurs and New Fighters. You’re giving the sport a bad name by your self-indulgence. Not to mention the winner gets a free shirt from a Bail Bonds company that’s “sponsoring” the event!!! So a fighters goes in, puts everything on the line, trains his or hers ass off, wins, and gets a free t-shirt. What a nice guy!!! You’re like the laughing stock of the general area and the Western MMA industry by what you call appreciation to your “sponsor” and fighters. Please understand I have no issues about any of the sponsors you utilizes. Sponsors are sponsors. They are there to help.

    The fight card was way too one sided. Giving the winner somewhat of a false sense of accomplishment and the loser the feeling of “What the hell am I doing..!?”. There were some really good up-coming fighters at the events I witnessed and amusing thing about it, none from the Reno Academy. The cards seemed geared and by design, as a “show case” for the Reno Academy. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it….

  • lindsey says:

    Reno Academy of Combat is the BEST place to train for mma.
    rick callup is a great trainer. and everybody in there helps you get better. there also some of the nicest people you could ever meet in there. so this guy above me is pretty rude and doesnt know what hes talking about. &bwt. our fights are great and now there at the lawler event center with a ton of people attending! so if you want to train then you should go to rac! i do and its great.

  • dean says:

    This gym is s****y! all he does is make you spar. he does not teach you a single thing. If you want to learn and not just go to spar, go somewhere else

  • kyle says:

    I think it is funny how his fighters are going up against fighters with loosing records or fighters making their debut. Guys are like 1-0 and champions…WHAT!

  • Joe Kickass says:

    Sounds to me like none of ya’ll have been to the school or seen the fights they put on.

  • Rodeny says:

    dean u just mad cause u always got tapped out during grappiling and got knocked every time we spared.

    o ya and if u want to train the Academy is where its at

  • dean says:

    Rodeny maybe since i was 13 and since rick doesnt teach, you beat me. but ever since i started training at charles gracie, i’ve improved more in the 1st week there than the 8 months at RAC. ive been going to charles gracie for over a year now, and my grappling game is at the Pan am level compared to what i was when i trained at RAC

  • lo says:

    i hate the trainers. stupid and dont know shit. yell at someone all the time for dumb shit. i wish there was a better gym in reno i could go to.

  • Tarsha S. Lewis says:

    First off let me say rick collup is rude for no reason. My son is very interested in MMA ,so I signed him up with the Reno academy of combat. BIG MISTAKE if you ask rick a question he snaps. I’m not even one of his students I’m a parent so I was standing watching my son train and my daughter cardio kick box. He
    told me too sit down(which all the chairs were full because its really small in there) I wasn’t in the way I wasn’t interfering I was just watching then he told me not too talk to the instructors. He also told me my son couldn’t lift weights until he was a fighter(that’s two years he’s 16) I guess rick doesn’t believe in lifting, but I asked him about that also and rick said “never not till he is a fighter. I want my son too be will rounded and not look like playdoh(like rick) low blow but he is just a jerk too his customers so it will be my son and daughters last day because they aren’t the only show in town!!!!(and my money is green not calling him a bigot maybe its because I’m short but in not there too be his friend just train my son hell I’ve lived37years without him I’m sure I can another37). I’m going to be a nurse how would he feel if I told him to sit down and don’t talk to the Dr. But I would never do that I would treat everybody with respect. I would leave personally feelings at home!!!! Oh you her yelled at me for looking at the pictures on the wall he said I was standing too close to the door!!!!okay dick I mean rick so you lost a customer.Good business man!!!!

  • Mike Provost says:

    Having been a part of this gym off and on for a long time, I can tell you that the negative reviews of the place are inaccurate to say the least. At most MMA gyms, it’s basically a pissing contest as soon as you walk in the door, with veteran students squashing the new folks just to protect their sensitive egos & show how tough they are. Our gym is the exact opposite…we teach, we help, we learn. There’s no room for egos at our gym…all we ask is that you come to learn, do what you can, and of course, keep your hands up;) Classes are arranged so that we do something different everyday. Some days are more technique oriented, while others are more learn on the fly, and some are just plain tough. But we touch on all aspects of MMA in every class, every day. There’s always some grappling, there’s always some striking, and there’s always some technique work.

    In regard to the shows we put on, Ultimate Reno Combat, it has grown by leaps and bounds to the point where we’re filling up the main theatre at the GSR, attracting fighters of all talent levels (mma debuts to folks on the verge of going pro), and with the increased talent pool, the fights just keep getting better and better.

    In regard to Rick Collup himself, anyone making personal attacks against him obviously doesn’t know him. He’s direct, wastes no time, and will not sugar-coat things to cater to someone’s inflated ego. Admittedly, this rubs some people the wrong way…usually they are they types that have a slightly exaggerated self-image, and are sensitive to anything that might force them take a more realistic look at themselves. He treats his fighters like family…ask any of them.

    In conclusion, if you’re looking for MMA training in the Reno/Sparks area, you’d be doing yourself a great disservice to not come join us. We’re the one-stop shop for MMA: striking, grappling, wrestling, MMA-based Kettlebell training, and access to the best coaches in the area, period. We look forward to seeing you.

  • Robert says:

    I workout at the Reno Academy of Combat when I am in Reno for work. I have tried out some of the other gyms in town but I get the best workout at the Reno Academy. It is a good group of guys (and girls) and although the workouts can be tough there isn’t any egos. Everyone works to help everyone else. I have had the opportunity to workout at various gyms in Northern and Southern Cal due to my work travels and the Reno Academy ranks right up there with some of the best of them.

  • Walt says:

    Although I cannot speak for when some of these comments were posted, I can speak for the last year. Reno Academy of Combat is an amazing place to train. You get out of it what you put in. Any level of fighter can go there. You will not be mocked or put down if you are new and you can work all the way to pro like a few have over the last year.

    It is great what Rick and the RAC family do to put together great amateur fights. Ask anyone who has fought in them or helped out. As for the bashing, I don’t know what you could have experienced that could make you feel that way. Some of the best people I know train or work there. Hopefully I will be back fighting there soon.

  • Rick Collup says:

    Hi Everyone, Thanks for the reviews. I know some of the above reviews are negative and of course there are going to be some people that don’t feel the connection with either the Owner, Instructor or the gym. We take pride in everything we do at my Gym and obviously I’m a bit offended by some of the shallow, jealous or just out right lies that some people write. I can’t control these comments so just know that I was born and raised in Reno and have been in business for 18 years now! We have Reno’s biggest and most decorated fight team that I am very proud of. We have competed in Las Vegas at Tuff n Uff and won the whole tournament and title belt! We have great camaraderie with other Promoters and Gym owners all over the United States. I am very proud of all our fighters but I’m also very proud of all our gym members that don’t fight, compete and just come in and train, have a blast and have made huge improvements with their weight, talent and life! We provide instruction in M.M.A. Muay Thai, Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu,Boxing,Kettle Bells, Zumba classes, Cardio Kick Boxing classes, self defense. You can train M.M.A. unlimited for only $80. a month! that’s at least 8 times a week! very fair priced with great instruction by people that really care. We have a Kettle Bell certified instructor, Zumba licensed Instructors, we are a Cesar Gracie affiliate and of course take a personal interest in every gym member we have. As stated above, I will not sugar coat anything and will push you to train at your highest level and take a full interest in you as a gym member. Come in and meet some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet! Thank You so much for your support, see you soon.

  • chris says:

    rac is the best gym iv been to… of you want to train goood mma rac is the gym to go to:) and the best trainers and every one is treated equal iv train for 5 months already and i know alot

  • MEL says:

    WoW! I was actually very interested in joining the cardio class this march, but after seeing these reviews, I’m not so sure. Guess i’ll have to go there and check it out for myself, my sister lost tremendous amount of weight there and she loved it… Hopefully so will I:-)

  • Joe Kickass says:

    Sounds like dean has sand in his clam. Hands down, this is THE best gym in the area.

  • Hedi says:

    I have been training off and on at RAC since I moved to Reno in January. The negative reviews are far from the truth. Rick does a great job of working with everyone. From going over basic jiu jitsu techniques to striking. I trained at a large school in Southern California and I do not feel I have regressed in any sense. If anything, I feel like I have gained additional strengths with my striking and overall technique. Everyone there is personable and do a great job of working with injured people like me 🙂 Although I am fairly new, they have treated me great and I highly recommend RAC to anyone that is looking for a great place to train at.

  • Jose Saenz says:

    I don’t train at RAC but I have fought twice at Rick’s shows nd it’s one of the best experiences ever. The set up of the whole show is great, not like the amateur boxing shows that are put on which I also have fought in. I’m hoping I can start training at RAC this month. I just need to see if I can catch a bus from Carson City to Reno. So from the way people talk about that are currently training there, I’m willing to go from Carson all the way to Reno everyday.

  • charles crump says:

    The Reno Academy Of Combat is a great place to train to be a great fighter or if your just trying to loose weight. Rick is very respectful and will do all he can to help you reach your goals. Hands down a great place to train.