Pound 4 Pound Boxing in Las Vegas, Nevada, provides fighters and members with the highest quality of training available, in a safe and positive learning environment that fighters an members can enjoy. We provide services to becoming an Amateur Boxer and a Professional Boxer. The Personal Training aspect will provide trainers and individuals with a facility that will gear towards improving fitness and weight loss.

In addition to physical fitness, Boxing classes promote discipline, self-control, respect, courtesy, perseverance and loyalty. When members join they will not only be improving their fitness and learning to defend themselves, they will be embarking on a path to improve many important aspects of their lives. And the truly wonderful thing is they get to have fun while doing it!

Pound 4 Pound Boxing is a value-priced gym serving its customers in our community by providing several programs for a variety of purposes, ranging from basic Boxing, to self defense, to esteem and life skills building, and more. Pound 4 Pound Boxing plans to enhance its programs as it expands, developing new programs to ensure the members have as much access to the different aspects of training as possible.