At BATTLEBORN JUJITSU, located in Reno, Nevada, we want to identify your goals and help you achieve them. Whether your goal is to learn to defend yourself, or you have a desire to compete, or you simply want to get in shape and have a great time doing it, we will help.

At Battleborn Jujitsu, children and adults will benefit from training. Young students can enroll in “Junior-Jitsu” program and train in a complete martial arts system that includes learning how to properly roll and fall, kicking, punching, throwing, ground fighting, sparring and much more. Students are taught in ways that promote self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment. Fun and exciting activities are combined with technique to keep students interested and training at BATTLEBORN JUJITSU is never boring.

Founder’s Eric Cox, Mike Zerr and Jack Stanko and our other competent instructors, each have their own unique styles and will help you achieve a well-rounded practical application of skills. We strive to teach students how to master their own bodies and minds, learn self-control and self-discipline, and over time learn the martial arts in their own individual and unique way. One of the great strengthsof BATTLEBORN JUJITSU is that our senior instructors love to be pushed to the limit by our progressing students, and in this way, everyone benefits and we all advance and learn together.

Much of our teaching is in the oral tradition without written lists. Although traditional lists are used and respected. We use a hands-on teaching approach, using the principals and mechanics of why and how our bodies and techniques work. Jujitsu is meant to be a flowing art, utilizing efficient and proper movement with energy applied at the correct time and in the right place.

As a student of BATTLEBORN JUJITSU, you can expect to be taught a complete martial arts system that includes learning how to roll and fall properly, kicks, punches, throwing, ground fighting, and as a student progresses, various weapons, strategy and more advanced technique.