Battle Born MMA is Reno, Nevada’s premier MMA gym. We train in all aspects of mixed martial arts: wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, and grappling. Learn from Richard Montoya, former WEC light-heavyweight champion, who has trained with many of the best teams in the sport. Your first night of training is free, so come on down with a cup and a mouthpiece, and leave your ego at the door. At Battle Born MMA, we train hard to win easy.

Battle Born MMA is a labor of love for owners Richard and Michelle Montoya. Richard is a former professional fighter who works full-time as a union iron worker with Local 118, and Michelle teaches English and runs the Writing Center part-time at TMCC. Battle Born started in the basement of a home we rented near the VA Hospital and migrated to another basement near Mt Rose Elementary. After having two kids – Miles and Amelia – we decided to move the gym to an outside location. We now train out of the Team Nevada building on Keystone Ave. Our facility has wall-to-wall wrestling mats and a fully-enclosed octagon that Richard built out of brawn and steel.

We don’t run this gym for the money – in fact, we never got into MMA for the money. We do this because we love it and because we want it to be accessible for others who love it as well. If you’re thinking about getting in shape, learning how to defend yourself, or fighting professionally, we have a safe and friendly yet competitive environment. We’d love for you to join our growing family.



  • Joey Lye says:

    It is definately a great gym,. they work all aspects including jiu-jitsu and wrestling. All the fighters are good nice guys and girls, they definately are the best!

  • Justin Cutler says:

    I just want to start off by saying I owe this gym and everybody in it so much. Before I started training with Battle Born MMA, I hit a rough patch in my life. My dream growing up was to play pro baseball, and after I couldn’t recover from my shoulder injury, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life anymore. I was just lost. But a friend mentioned that he’d been training in mixed martial arts and suggested I try it. I had been a fan of the sport for some time at this point, so I thought I’d give it a try. From the very first time I met my coach, Richard Montoya, and saw what a great group of people he has, I was hooked. After the first practice, I felt awkward, but great. I told him I’d be back for the next practice, and the rest is history. Battleborn MMA has given me new life. It has retaught me how to push myself, and even in a rough sport like MMA, there are some great people involved. Thanks BattleBorn! See you Wednesday!

  • Joon Chong says:

    Very personal, GREAT trainer, great workouts, most of all a lot of positive energy through out the entire gym and fighters!

  • Beau Hensley says:

    I trained at Battleborn Mma for a couple months and i think its the best place hands down, and Richard is a great trainer and everyone that trains there are a big help.

  • Matt Pinapfel says:

    If you are looking for a place to sharpen your skills – then this is the place to go! Richard Montoya is a great coach and he is very good at laying down the footwork/pathing for you to make your way further in MMA. Overall – Battle Born Fight Team is where you should spend your free time and where you should go workout instead of those boring Gyms!!! 🙂 – Thanks – See yall on Wednesday!!!

  • Luke Fitzgerald says:

    Best Gym out there For Sure!!

  • Luis Rodriguez says:

    Richard is by leaps and bounds the best instructor in the area. This gym is a prime example of a family environment. Most of people in the gym hang out together and become very good friends. If you’re looking for a good work out, his are brutal. Not so much for the weak at heart, but he makes sure that you understand the techniques and goes out of his way to ensure you “get it”. Richard Montoya is by far the toughest Mutha F’ers I know, and the must humble and greatest person you will ever meet. It’s your loss if you don’t attend this school; he does it for the passion…not the money!