BSFT is a stable of fighters out of the Kansas City Area. Head Coach and Team Owner Derek Bohi is 6-2 in competition and is a excellent trainer. Training in all aspects of the fight game, with special emphasis on cardio training and ground fighting. Whether you are interested in competition training, fitness, or just general knowledge, BSFT is the place for small group or private lessons at a great price.
Broken Smile is a fight team that believes in beating ass in the name of fun. We train hard and party harder and always put on a show in the cage. We have fighters in nearly weight class and are always willing to audition new talent. Our Heavyweight is the current World Series of Rumble Champion and is the first of many BSFT Champions.
You will not find an instructor who cares more about MMA in the City. Derek is not only a highly motivated fighter himself, but he is great at motivating others. While his gym is small, the people encountered there were extremely helpful and welcoming. They take their time with newbies and have the expertise to hone the skills of experienced mma fighters. In all, it is hard to imagine getting more personalized instruction.