Epic Martial Arts, located in McComb, Mississippi, offers instruction in Hapkido and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for all ages. Master Instructor Chris Holmes is a 4th Degree Black Belt in Hapkido and is a personal student of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu great Carlos Machado and currently a Blue Belt in Jiu-Jitsu.

Master Instructor Chris Holmes has been training continuously for over 14 years. Unlike many instructors that earn their black belts then earn rank due to time, Mr. Holmes has put in mat time consistently since earning his black belt 10 years ago. Mr. Holmes has earned a 4th Degree Black belt in Hapkido, a 3rd Degree Black belt in Han Mu Do, a 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tang Soo Do, a Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, in addition he has trained in Chen Style Taiji, Teuk Gong Moo Sool, Kuk Sool, and is currently training in Judo. He is the only instructor in the area with a masters degree in education, and is planning on entering the tournament circuit again, and looking to earn his purple belt as well.

Mr. Holmes considers the following people his teachers: Hapkido- Master Steve Kincade and Master Steve Seo; Han Mu Do- Dr. He Young Kimm, Master Mike Reed, and Master Frank Caracci; Tang Soo Do- Master John Magee and Mr. Michael Langhart; Brazilian Jiu Jitsu-Master Carlos Machado; Kuk Sool-Master Steve Kincade and Master Steve Seo; Chen Taiji-Ron Burr; and Judo-Vincent Fernando and Dr. He Young Kimm.

Sunbinim Christine Hightowerhas been training consistently for 6 years now. She started several months after her son William became a student and eventually Mr. Holmes asked her to start assisting with classes. She has been a loyal and dedicated student ever since. She has earned a 2nd Degree Black belt in Hapkido and a 1st Degree Black belt in Han Mu Do. Ms. Christine’s primary Hapkido and Han Mu Do instructor is Mr. Holmes. Ms. Christine’s Jiu-Jitsu instructors are Master Carlos Machado and Mr. Holmes.

If you are looking for something more, if you feel like something is missing then come try us out. We do a lot more than kicking and punching; our students learn to become leaders, learn realistic self defense, are required to take initiative and do public service projects in order to earn their belts. We do not offer quick fixes, or make false claims promising effortless results…. You will sweat, you will work, you will have fun, and learn top notch martial arts skills in a supportive and friendly enviroment. Beware of instructors that promise easy and quick fixes.