Dixson’s Dungeon in Biloxi, Mississippi, is a Mixed Martial Arts center that offers MMA training and classes for every skill level. Here, we offer training in every major aspect of MMA under one energized roof. The Dungeon experience is unlike any other. If you’re looking to take up a competitive sport like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling or Mixed Martial arts or just looking for a high impact workout in order to get in shape, Dixson’s Dungeon is the place to be.

But don’t take our word for it, drop in for a FREE session. Why is Dixson’s Dungeon different? Unlike most gyms you’ll be coached and trained by professional-level athletes—A.K.A. Champions. John Dixson will impart his multiple decades of martial arts experience toward teaching you MMA done the RIGHT WAY!


  • Justin Mitchell says:

    Um yes im very very interested in taking straight up MMA class, kinda like ufc i believe i have what it takes but money is really tight and i need to know how much class are because i have to pay for it lol, i’m not like other kids that get stuff handed to them but i’m also 19 going to school still. i need to know how much a moth also because i live in Pass Christan. yea its a little far but i need it to be worth it and worth the drive lol.

  • droc says:


    We invite you to contact Dixson’s Dungeon directly, by calling them or via e-mail. Their contact information is posted above, or just visit their website as well.

  • Joao says:

    I would like to know where John Dixson got his Brazillian Jui-Jitsu blackbelt?

  • Joao says:

    Oh, forgot question two. If he is not the BJJ instructor who is?