Southside Dojo in Portage, Michigan, is a nonprofit organization that supports many martial arts, including Judo, Aikido, Muay Thai, MMA, Jujitsu, as well as Karate and Kobudo. The head of our style is Takashi Kinjo Kaicho of Okinawa. Shihan Wayne Kroll teaches Karate and Kobudo (weapons arts.) Our weapons include bo, nunchaku, sai, tinaka, tonqua, and ieku. We’d love to help you learn to use weapons safely for strength and health.

Our mission with our Guerilla MMA Training Program is to build MMA Athletes. Our MMA fighters train under the instruction of Ron Blake and Brian Skjold. Ron has 20 years of experience training in Judo, has competed and coached nationally and internationally. Brian has trained for over 10 years in Muay Thai kick boxing, and currently trains and competes in MMA and Muay Thai.

We combine the grappling of Judo with the stand up striking of Muay Thai to develop a structured and well rounded program for people interested in Mixed Martial Arts training. Along with the designated MMA training sessions, we encourage training in both Muay Thai and Judo to develop a strong MMA game.

We believe that it takes great dedication, hard work, and a supportive program to build an MMA Athlete. We stress that participants in our program are Athletes and train as such, not thugs or brawlers. Our Guerilla MMA program was launched in 2008 and since then we have accumulated over 15 victories including an event title and have sustained only 4 losses.