Masters & Champions offers the finest instruction and most extensive schedule of options for training in Aerobic Kickboxing and Traditional Martial Arts. Our main program is Tae Bong Soo Do, a combination of Tae Kwon Do, Arnis de mano, Jiu Jitsu and Boxing. Other programs featured are Iaido, Judo, and Jeet Kune Do/Filipina Kali, Escrima, Silat. A variety of classes are offered to allow each student a choice of curriculum to best suit his or her needs. Some classes are age-specific to provide training appropriate to the participants. level of maturity, attention span, intellectual capabilities, and ability to learn. Some classes combine Youth and Adult age groups to provide an opportunity for the family to train together.

Our Grand Blanc branch was opened in 1990. No other school in the area comes close to our success and longevity. Over 2,000 students have enrolled our Martial Arts and Kickboxing classes and the numbers continue to grow! While some schools profit from their high turnover of students, we pride ourselves on having long-term retention. Many students have trained long enough to achieve the level of assistant instructor. Several have even become full-time instructors. In fact, all instructors were trained onsite through our program to meet our high standards of teaching. And, we strive to continue to improve our training methods for the future.

Masters & Champions was the first club in Michigan to become a member of NAPMA (National Association of Professional Martial Artists). This is the ONLY organization authorized to provide Cardio Karate aerobic kickboxing classes. Now, with nearly 2,300 member locations nationwide, you’ll be sure to find a Cardio Karate class in nearly every major city in the U.S.!