International Budokan was founded in 1962, in the city of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina. From the very first dojo to this day, International Budokan has developed a high competition level and has trained thousands of Martial Arts students in South and North America.

Today, located in Wyoming, Michigan (USA) International Budokan fulfills its vision to provide support to all Martial Artists by training students of all ages and skills.

At the International Budokan dojo, both novices and professionals are trained to become skilled martial artists. We offer seminars of Nihon Jujutsu, Judo, Karate and Kobudo taught by masters for all students regardless of the style or experience.

We have developed martial arts training for competition level for over 50 years. We count with master instructor Lucio Farías selected as “Master Instructor of the Year” in the Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

International Budokan promotes the fair teachings of following martial arts styles. Both novices, advanced students or masters can complete these programs at their own pace.

In order to present a new rank, the student must provide satisfactory recognition and fulfillment of the techniques presented in each martial art category.

International Budokan Chronology


* International Budokan was founded by Lucio Sabas Farías in 1962 (To read more about the founder, click here).
* Our first Dojo was opened by International Budokan in the city of Lanús, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


* International Budokan opens the Shudokan Dojo in Mendoza, Argentina.
* Shudokan develops a high training level for competition, bringing students from over 30 different Dojos.


* Karate styles Shorin-Ryu, Goju-Ryu, and Kyokusinkai were introduced to the Dojo.


* International Budokan opens its Gojukan Center Dojo, located in the city of Valencia, Venezuela.
* International Budokan offers seminars of the Okinawense Martial Art Kobudo with the the top master, Hanshi Yoshihito Hiramatsu.


* International Budokan opens the Hombu Dojo in Michigan, United States serving colleges and universities.