The 451 MMA Fight Team is dedicated to bringing out the best in its members. This program will prepare the student to compete in MMA, striking and grappling competitions. However, competing and/or fighting is not required to attend these classes. Even the most inexperienced students have something to offer that will better all of us. Each individual is required to do what it takes to elevate our fighters’ skill and heart so that they may attain victory in the cage.

Fight Team training consists of technique, conditioning, sparring and mental toughness drills. The dojo contains all the physical implements that your training will require: 29′ x 30′ grappling area, 58′ of professionally built cage panels, striking area (thai, teardrop, body snatcher, & double end bags), uppercut box, speed bag, 50-100 lb G&P bags, throwing/grappling dummies, free weights & caveman training aids.

MMA is not a joke or afterthought to us. The time of wannabe tough guys stepping into the cage without training; and expecting to win, is OVER!

451 MMA is currently located in the AG-CO building at the corner of M-21 and Morton Street in St. Johns, Michigan.