Welcome to Kingdom Martial Arts Academy located in Greenfield, Indiana! We offer the finest instruction in self defense and personal protection. Teaching Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do * Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu * Filipino Kali * MMA * Kickboxing * Muay Thai * Karate * Wing Chun * Boxing.

Our highly trained and professional staff is dedicated to help you achieve all of your martial arts goals. We have something to offer everyone. Whether you are interested in martial arts for the sports/competition, for the ability to take control of a bad situation and protect, or just the perfect combination of both…we can accommodate a package for you.

Here at Kingdom, we strongly stress the importance of knowing the purpose for your training in the martial arts. Everything was created with a purpose, however not every purpose known. Where purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable.

Our programs are designed to help you understand the purpose for the various martial arts systems, the purpose for the martial arts techniques in the systems, and more importantly the purpose for martial arts in your life (which is different for everyone).