Precision Jiu-Jitsu in Pocatello, Idaho teaches Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Gracie Jiu Jitsu is a self defense fighting style founded by the Gracie brothers in Brazil. It was created with the belief that the little man needed to be able to overcome size deficits and muscular disadvantage. At Precision Jiu Jitsu, we are honored to be able to teach this martial art through the tutelage of Maestro Pedro Sauer. We firmly believe in giving you the skills you need to confidently defend yourself in any situation. We also believe confidence is bred by dedication to technical detail not by pure athleticism and strength.

Student safety is of the utmost importance at Precision Jiu Jitsu.  We have a very strict no “meat-head” policy that is enforced at all times.  We are not a school to teach tough guys and thugs how to be tougher.  Students whom disregard the safety of others to stoke their own egos simply don’t belong at our academy.  We ask all of our students to check their egos at the door, we are all here to aid each other in learning.

When you come to a Precision class you are treated with respect, dignity and can expect to have a quality learning experience.  Our curriculum has been developed such that each class builds on the previous class concepts, with a dedicated effort toward a linear progression of learning.  All questions are answered; techniques are presented clearly and concisely with no ambiguity and with a clear understanding of concepts.  You will learn the most effective martial art ever created in a safe environment.  We hope that our students feel like they are training with a second family.

It is important to us that after just a few weeks of training, our students develop into more than just Jiu Jitsu practitioners.  We feel we have failed our students if we only teach them Jiu Jitsu.  We advocate honesty, loyalty, and dedication as virtues for becoming a person of great value in any aspect of life.