Iron Lion Jiu-Jitsu Academy, located in Dalton Gardens, Idaho, offers MMA, Muay Thai, kickboxing, grappling, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), cross training, fighter training, women’s and children’s classes. The Head Instructor is Derek Cleveland, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt, along with Purple Belts Cody Cox, Tony Lewis, Teodor Puha and Jason Smith (Blue Belt).


  • Edsel Garcia says:

    Hi Im a 14 Year Old Kid And I Just Wanted To Know How Old You Had To Be To Start Heading To This MMA Gym

  • David Haggerty says:

    I have trained in multiple styles of martial arts and none provide the workout or effectiveness of the style that is offered at the Lion’s Den. MMA, Brazilian Jiujitsu, and Muay Thai training are available. Kids classes are great (My 5 yr old daughter trains). Great for beginners or experienced martial artists. Derek Cleveland is an incredible instructor and I highly recommend this gym if you are considering learning Martial Arts.

  • Hunter says:

    Coachs are great… interaction with studentsas well as explanations and demonstrations of techniques are top notch

  • Zeb Rose says:

    Just wondering what average monthly cost is. Do you base it off of individual classes or is it just pay and come as you see fit?