FAITH Mixed Martial Arts is located at the gym on the Lanier Hills Church Campus in Gainesville, Georgia. We are a Christian based MMA Team and committed to transforming teens and young adults into upstanding Christian leaders through a progressive mixture of martial arts training and Christian faith studies. The goal is well being of the mind, body, and soul for all. Each and every event we attend we exercise utmost class, team prayer, and sportsmanship as a form of witnessing to hundreds & sometimes thousands of MMA Fight Fans across the US.
As a Christian FAITH organization, we require TEAM members to pay minimum membership fees or dues…All should come with a willing attitude to respect and support each other, leaving the drama at the door. We work very hard, fight smart, and focus on the simple aspects of successful fighting. We are tied in with more than enough promoters on all levels from small time shows to the UFC and Showtime to keep a full bout calender.
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