Xequemate BJJ (pronounced “checkmate”) is located in Jacksonville, Florida. Xequemate is the Portuguese spelling for the word checkmate that is used the game of chess. The proper spelling is actually ‘Xeque-mate’ but we decided to forego the dash. Xequemate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is owned and operated by Royce Gracie purple belt Bobby Thompson and Royce Gracie blue belt Kenny Kipple. The primary focus of our school is Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as taught by the Gracie family, more specifically, Royce Gracie.

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (also known as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) is a complete self-defense system that has been proven in the ring again and again. It is based on leverage and technique and is not dependent on size or strength. XMBJJ head instructor Bobby Thompson has studied under Royce and his instructors since January 2003. In August 2007, Bobby was awarded purple belt by Royce.

We will be offering Muay Thai classes, so please check our pages for more information!
