Global Mixed Martial Arts Academy (formerly known as Renshinkan Martial Arts Academy) in Gainesville, Florida, offers classes in Kickboxing, Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, MMA (Vale Tudo), Japanese Ju-Jitsu, Shorinji-Ryu Karate, Weapons and Street Self-Defense. Our system: Jiu Jitsu is a realistic self defense art that will develop our students on an individual basis. We will guide each student to realize and achieve their physical, mental, and martial arts goals. Many of these goals are the focusing of the mind, body and soul. We will also help increase students fitness, coordination, self-esteem and confidence. We teach and train in the practice of both traditional and new concepts that keep us living in the balance of today’s societies.

Our Dojo and system of Jiu Jitsu is a time honored martial art that welcomes and teaches our humble and traditional way of living to everyone that walks through our doors. We are fully staffed and international certified to teach first time to advanced students of all ranks.

Our students and teachers: We are regular everyday people who want to reach into themselves and go to that next level into their lives. We, the teachers of Jiu Jitsu push and guide ourselves as well as out students. We encourage each student to assist one another to strive for that next step of achievement. This is accomplished through a practiced training regimen that has been proven to work for over 50 years under the original instructions of great Jiu Jitsu Masters.


  • adolfo cruz says:

    hello, when i was a kid i used to love kenpo karate. I go the chance to travel all over north america competing. Once I reached black belt it started to become boring. I miss the mental and physical stimulation.
    please send me more info
    adolfo cruz

  • Jeff says:

    Went to train in kick boxing and BJJ at the place and the instructor was a really shitty teacher. When your completely new, he doesn’t bother teaching the basics or correcting your forms when you do an attack badly. You learn more from fellow students than Jason Dodd. First thing you learn in an actual legit kick boxing dojo, is defense and basics with proper form but no bother there from Dodd. He just has you practice a couple punches without actually teaching you the proper form of stances or correct way to punch.

    When it comes to BJJ, actual real places sanctioned have beginner curriculum and have you practice over and over:
    Up a mount escape.
    Guard pass to side control.
    Taking mount from side control.
    Americana arm-lock (no-GI) or cross collar choke (with gi).

    No doubt Jason knows his basic Bjj, but he shows lack of disinterest in teaching newbies, it even shows on his face. He just has you start techniques without teaching the basics and after being crappy at it, no thanks to him not teaching properly just shows you how to do a shrimp.

    It’s 10 bucks per class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and 128 to learn “everything” monthly and tries to have you in a sales pitch to do a contract just to have it much cheaper. Place is a McDojo alright, and that Bullshido website right pretty much right.

  • Joyce Pratt says:

    I have been training at the Gym for over a year and have been learning kickboxing and BJJ from coach Jason Dodd. He is an excellent instructor and more than knowledgeable in the martial arts that he is teaching. Please don’t base your opinion on just one person’s bad experience. Jason is a legit purple belt in BJJ under Betao Nunez and Rafa Santos. He has competed in international full contact karate events in Panama and Japan.

  • Jerry says:

    I started at Renshinkan in May and have had a blast. As a beginner to both Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu I thought their instruction was very thorough and had no trouble picking up the “basics.” All of the instructors were helpful and very patient. As for “McJeff’s” comment, maybe you came on a busy night and didnt get the one on one attention you needed…sorry, try sticking with it…

  • Rocco says:

    I’ve been training since May at Renshinkan Martial Arts Academy and I can honestly say that I’ve haven’t found a better instructor in any type of activity that I’ve participated in. Sensei Dodd has taken the time to work with us from sun up to sun down on the fundamentals and basics. The atmosphere is great and I enjoy coming to class and learning every day. I didn’t find just a school at Renshinkan when I joined, but a family. That family, both the instructors and students, has taken the time to answer any questions I’ve had on any technique. I really don’t know what Jeff is talking about, but he should come more than once to make up his mind. As for Jeff’s beginner curriculum, I can assure you that I’ve learned all of that and more in the short time that I’ve been with the academy. I come in and train Muay Thai and BJJ almost every day, and I encourage anyone who wants to learn to come to class. That’s the only way to learn anything. You can’t come to one class and expect to know everything immediately. Stick with the program and you’ll keep getting better.

  • Michael says:

    I train at Renshinkan quite frequently. Good bunch of guys, Travis is a great BJJ instructor and Jason also runs a good class. The F2 fight team also trains there so if you’re looking for great no-gi and MMA guys, they’re great.

    @Jeff: Who are you? Its funny to say things like that, but not really introduce yourself. I’ve trained at several BJJ and Judo gyms, and I even tell from your verbage that you don’t really know what your talking about.

    When you go to to a BJJ school, just like anything, you start out crappy and get good. There is no miracle sentence any instructor can tell you to suddenly make your basics perfect. It seems like you were expecting more of a private lesson than a class. Instead of taking your frustrations out on the instructor, you need to stick with it and work hard.

    Next time instead of going on the internet and voicing your opinion, you should ask for help or make your concerns heard in class. Most of the students that you complimented learned from the same instructors you’re bashing.

  • Tony says:

    Jason Dodd doesn’t pay attention when people are rolling, doesn’t bother teaching newbies the basics in Bjj, doesn’t know squat about footwork or proper stances in kickboxing, and to top it off he tries sell off rip off deals with his high priced contracts.

    Seriously, a karate dojo one day all of a sudden becomes a “MMA” club just spells “McDOJO”.

    What is Jasons credentials?

  • Jason Dodd says:

    Instead of talking trash behind a keyboard, why dont you come by the Academy and see about my background yourself. I have been in the BJJ game since 1999, also full contact karate and kickboxing since 1987. We also have a staff off instuctors at our academy 1.Beto Nunes 2nd degree black belt in Jiu-Jitsu,from Brazil. 2. Mansur Hidari MMA coach, Pro record 8-0-1 draw. 3. Mario Shaur Kickboxing coach record 17-0 from Argentina. You are just a jelous hater of a very sucsessfull sucsessfull Mixed Martial Arts Academy.