Logan’s Martial Arts Academy is Tallahassee, Florida’s only karate school certified by the International Martial Art’s Council. Everyone trains hard including the Instructors. You will never be asked to do something that the Instructor can not do. Logan’s Martial Arts offers classes in Kenpo, Kickboxing, Grappling, Escrima and Self-Defense.

Our Martial Arts training will provide you not only with DEVASTATING HARDCORE SELF DEFENSE but will also teach you to be CALM & FOCUSED under stress, increase SELF DISCIPLINE, and help you to BECOME THE PERSON YOU WANT TO BE. Martial Artists enjoy numerous benefits like STRENGH & FLEXIBILITY, increased CARDIO VASCULAR ENDURANCE, excellent BALANCE and HAND–EYE coordination, FASTER METABOLISM, WEIGHT LOSS, and INCREASED LONGEVITY, just to name a few. Our KICKBOXING program is designed to get you in TOP PHYSICAL CONDITION & teach REAL KICKBOXING TECHNIQUES, BAG TIME, PAD DRILLS, FOOTWORK. IT’S ALL HERE – IT’S A BLAST!!!!

Sensei Bill Logan has been training in martial arts for 29 years. He holds the rank of 5th Dan in Shaolin Kenpo, a 2nd Dan in Kajukenbo and has rank in Shorin Ryu, Isshin Ryu, Shotokan, Judo/Jiu-Jitsu. He also studied a different style of Kenpo (a Parker break-off) under Dan Kauffman in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. He was a professional kick boxer for four years and a bouncer for eight years in Montana where he developed his unique style of street effective grappling. He has been teaching in Tallahassee for the past 12 years and was chief instructor at a very successful school. He has also developed advanced kickboxing and grappling programs for other schools in the area and they use his methods and drills to this day.