LEGACY DOJO Mixed Martial Arts & Family Fitness Center, located in Nokomis, Florida offers Fun and Exciting Programs for All Ages in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu – WBJJA, Songahm Taekwondo – ATA, Mixed Martial Arts & Kickboxing, Pressure Point Combat Tactics, Weapons & Self Defense and More. We are a World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association (WBJJA) affiliate!

Are you an adult who’s seriously interested in getting into shape? Or do you feel you’re already in good shape and are looking for a new challenge? Then it’s time to raise the bar and take your training to a whole new level of endurance! Our programs will test your body and mind so you can achieve your training goals! Whether it’s basic self defense or advanced fighting skills that you are looking for, our school is right for you. We offer training programs suited for anyone’s life style.