Dragon Dojo Martial Arts is the premier grappling school of the Panama City/Lynn Haven, Florida area! We specialize in Judo/Jiu Jistu grappling. Coupled with the discipline of traditional martial arts, our grappling style in like no other. Come to the Dragon Dojo Martial Arts to see what we’re all about.

At Dragon Dojo Martial Arts, we are the evolution of martial arts and a full line mixed martial arts system that not only covers combat, traditional, weapons, striking, and mental strategy but we are also the area’s premier grappling school. With over 25 years of grappling experience we not only teach the ever popular sport grappling like you see on TV today but military combat grappling as well. At Dragon Dojo Martial Arts we give you the power and teach you how to be a winner!

We are now building our new grappling team and are looking for serious students that want to be the foundation of this team. If you are one of those elite individuals, please do give us a call. At Dragon Dojo Martial Arts we offer opportunities. It is up to you to walk the path.

Our 5 Point Mixed Martial Arts system gives you the power! This new revolutionary form of martial arts covers Sport, Grappling, Traditional, Combat, and Weapons, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Wado Ryu, Ninjutsu, and Shaolin Fist Kung Fu! Dragon Dojo Martial Arts is what martial arts is evolving into. It is a full spectrum training system of mixed martial arts that covers your individual needs. Modern sport martial arts training, weapons and combat, self defense training, and traditional martial arts are all covered in this revolutionary system of martial arts. Dragon Dojo Martial Arts gives you the power!

Shihan Robert Wiest is the founder of Dragon Dojo Martial Arts and has trained in multiple martial arts disciplines for over 30 years. He was a personal student of Grand Master Raiford, and is the sole heir to and co-founder of Uke Ki Shin Ryu. He holds the highest rank available in Uke Ki Shin Ryu.