Complete Fitness Concepts in Chantilly, Virginia, offers a variety of training options from Corrective Exercise to Self Defense, from Athletic Training to MMA. We believe anyone who wants to improve the quality of his or her life can. With a combination of traditional education, extensive experience, and the most widely recognized certifications, we will help. Whether you are a health & fitness or corrective exercise client, a martial arts student, or a seminar client, we are here to help you get the results you want.

Complete Fitness Concepts was established in 1997 to promote functional fitness and self defense. We want to help real people achieve real results. We’ve helped hundreds of people get the results that have made their lives more productive and fulfilled. We understand not everyone wants to be a pro athlete or cage fighter, so we design customized programs to meet each individual’s needs and goals. Training and recuperating athletes, seniors with arthritis, stay-at-home parents with limited time, and busy professionals who travel often, have all benefited from one of our programs.

Unlike fighting for sport, where both competitors try to achieve victory by knockout, submission, or by points, the primary goal of defensive tactics is self preservation. Let’s face it, most of us aren’t trying to be the next UFC world champ – more than likely, you’ll be accosted on your way to the store or the mailbox, or while walking your dog; there may be more than one assailant, or maybe an edged or impact weapn is involved. You just want to learn a realistic way to survive. What we will teach you, just as we have taught elite security, law enforcement, and military personnel, (as well as girl scouts, and other community groups) is to evade, intercept, then terminate your adversary. We do not teach how to brawl; we teach how to cheat, and to survive an attack with surgical precision.

What we do isn’t necessarily pretty or flashy, in fact sometimes it down right nasty, but when you are trying to survive, who cares? We teach what’s illegal in the UFC, Affliction, and other MMA sports – this is truly filthy MMA!

Complete Fitness Concepts is located Virginia Martial Arts Academy in Chantilly.



  • Xavier Hadnot says:

    if you get this pleas call or e-mail me when you can because i looking for some that can teach me jiu-jitsu i really want to learned it and it will help me in the long run i really need this its going to open a lot of doors for me and my email is [email protected]