(24 votes, average: 2.63 out of 5)
7 Reviews

At Dauntless Practical Martial Arts, located in Newark, Delaware, our Founder Allen J. Sachetti is certified by Rickson Gracie, Royler Gracie and Luiz Palhares. He has spent the time and designed the most comprehensive curriculum and training methods that will take you from White to Black Belt in BJJ by providing you with a proper understanding of Jiu-Jitsu principals and developing in you the most effective ability to execute detailed technique in live application. Come in and try a FREE Class for yourself.

If you want to be fighter or just train like one the Dauntless MMA System is for you. A literal masterpiece with techniques from Muay Thai, Western Boxing, Filipino Dumpag, Wrestling & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu! Our Cage Proven system will enable you with step by step progression to gain the proficiency you need to become first an amateur fighter and then a Pro if you so desire.

Our Newark faciliy is located at the Four Seasons Plaza.


  • Your Name says:

    Had the unfortunate honor of meeting and attending this establishment. The owner has a silver tongue and before you know it , he whips out a 3 year contract. The guy states he is undefeated in MMA. Yet he has never competed. I do not see how this is ethical or legal claiming to be qualified in something you are not, and charging the prices. For these prices you should look for someone who is legit. He states his team is undefeated in some world competition that was created by him, of course they are undefeated, when he or his people are the judges.There are some great schools in Delaware, that believe this is a team sport and a family Check all out, and never!!!, never!!! sign a 3 year contract. (No legit company will ever ask this.) If a place is confidante enough and know what they teach, will never ask this of you! There is a new school that has started it is called Triple Threat Combat Sports, they seem to know what they are talking about. There is also 302, and Elite. All of these schools will be on the up and up.
    Never sign anything until you try others.

  • Require This says:

    There are some MMA gyms in the First State. There are even traditional martial arts schools that have a long history and a respectable record.

    Dauntless is not in this category.

    In Delaware, Allen Sachetti is the only teacher of KFM and Dumpag, unique styles that he monopolizes off of. He will charge you $1,400 per style a year, and tries to make you sign a contract for at least one year. Also, Allen only allows you to attend his classes two times a week per style. For example, if you are taking BJJ, he only allows you to attend the BJJ classes twice a week. Something I personally found out the hard way. Also, Allen tends to start his classes five to ten minutes late, giving you even less time to train while your money sits in his pocket.

    All in all, avoid Dauntless MMA. He’s a snake in the grass, waiting for his next meal ticket. I even heard that Allen is trying to sell his schools anyway for half a million, so it just goes to show you that he’s more interested in making money than making good fighters.

  • Little Bella says:

    First, I want to say that these posts are a little outdated, so let me update for you. It is very ethical for Allen to be teaching BJJ, KFM, Dumpag (which is the open hand art of Pikiti Tirsia), Pikiti Tirsia, along with great boxing and kick boxing. A 3 year contract isn’t even nearly as long as a MMA career. So anyone that is serious about making a commitment, which is needed to ensure proper techinque and skill, will be willing to sign an agreement. Plus, what is better motivation!

    As far as their MMA records, Dauntless has blown Elite and 302, I’m sure they could do the same with them.



    They’ve developed some great fighters!

  • Bob Ruby says:

    Ok, these posts are, in a word, crap. I came to Dauntless a Boxer/Kickboxer and now am a MMA fighter. A 3 year contract isn’t shit if your serious about fighting or for that matter, if you want to actually learn enough to defend yourself well. I am a team Dauntless Fighter and am 2-1… 1 W by KO – 1 W by Submission – 1 L by KO. I’ve gotten to train with Luiz Palhares (Now Master or Coral Belt in BJJ, He has a camp coming up the end of February in Tennessee) and Renato Migliaccio since being with Allen.
    Also, there are 2 gyms Newark and Smyrna, where there the cage is… I attend the Newark school and have the elite membership of 206/mnthly after its all said and done, there are 6 BJJ classes, 6 MMA Classes, 2 KFM classes, and 4 Pekiti-Dumpag classes Monday-Thursday… They also have open mat on Sundays… Additionally, I attend the gym in the mornings when training for a fight, this varies but anytime I’m there anyone can come in and use the school as long as its cool with Allen, then if you want to fight they have Fight Team on Saturdays (sometimes at newark – sometimes at smyrna)
    Additionally – at the “Absolute Annihilation” in Manassas, VA.. Where the rules are exactly as they are in the UFC, Dauntless took home 3 wins and 2 losses, I made some stupid mistakes and was one of the losses :/, Jermery Clyburn won by TKO in the 1st round by smashing the guy with DUMPAG elbows from the guard top, Jayson Brown (who was fighting his 1st fight) beat a guy who was 9-3 by rear naked choke, and “Pistol” Pete had a 3 round war but pulled out a unanimous decision for the W. Search on you-tube for videos of the fights… you can watch me knock someone out and get knocked out… lol.. but Dauntless is a awesome. And right now the 2010 total is 10-4-0 W-L-D. The money is worth it, especially if you want to be a fighter.

  • R. Baggs says:

    First I want to say that Dauntless is a good MMA school for me to train. My son is also a student at Dauntless and we are both on the elite course package and been enjoying our membership for two and a half years now and if it continues to be this good we are planning of staying. The training is absolutely amazing, specially if you are palnning to compete. There’s a lot of courses for you to choose which is unique and proven. Mr. Sachetti fought in stickfighting with absolutely nothing but a mask and pads. This type of sparring is very rare to see. So people who made comment that he has not competed, yes he has not in points type of competition but he has the knack of doing it where he can actually see and feel the bruises and welts of your skin as it is being ripped with the rattan sticks. Get that. Cool eh? Watch the percentage of his students winning versus the loses and that alone speaks for itself.

  • Maribeth says:

    About Mr. Sachettis fighting record for Grappling he Won a Gold Medal at the 1999 Diamond Challenege Jiu-Jitsu Championships In NJ, 2 Bronze Medals at the 2000 Pan Am jiu-Jitsu Champiohsips In Florida, 2 Silver Medals At The Rickson Gracie International Jiu-Jitsu Championships in 2000 in LA and another Silver Medal at the 2004 Royler Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Championships but before this he also had an extensive career of experience fighting in NHB/MMA and Full Contact Stick Fihgting.

    In 1998 He Won the World Submission Stick Fighting Championship and those fights are online. Prior to that Mr. Sachetti won numerous Full Contact Stick Fighting Matches and Anything Goes MMA (back then called NHB) Matches in the Philippines, in a country where there was NO SUING and the rules were beyond anything we see here in the U.S. I know I was there and saw it myself!!

    However perhaps the best thing about Mr. Allen J. Sachetti’s experience is that his MMA Fighters KEEP WINNING. He now operates the LARGEST MMA Team In Delaware with MORE WINS than any other Team In Delaware.

    I find it very funny that a guy from Elite Jiu-Jitsu write lies about Mr. Sachetti’s experience right after 2 of His Dauntless Fighters destroyed and I do mean destoyed both Elite Jiu-Jitsu fighters at the First State Fights in Dover Delaware of November 2009, those fights are on You Tube.

    The first Dauntless fighter finished the Elite Jiu-Jitsu fighter in under 40 seconds throwing him so hard he broke his arm and the second fight was a 3 round domination by Dauntless’s Dustin Alexander who won a unamimous decision over the Elite Jiu-Jitsu figther. Look on You Tube.

    As far as Mr. Sachetti goes this Man is a Christian who likes to forgive and be kind to people so he may look like an easy target with Foul Mouth Fools with Evil Heats but when it comes to a Fight, I mean a Real Fight Allen Sachetti brings it with the Faith, Courage and Heart of an Arch Angel. Christians are allowed to defend themselves and he fights like some Old Testimant Warrior.

    So perhaps instead of writing lies about Mr. Sachetti people should work more on themselves.

    As far as Training goes you will not find a Better place to train than Dauntless MMA because Mr. Sachetti takes an attitude of Service with his students. There is not a harder working or more detailed instructor who will take his time with you to build you up from nothing to something very great. He works on your game, your needs and has this way of making you learn intricate technique quicker and better than anyone else.

    You see Iknow this because I am his wife and he has taught me enabling me to have a good competition career and earn my Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But don’t take my word for it, go yourself, he is giving a FREE 30 Days now for legitimate students to come and see for themselves at Dauntless Newark or Dauntless Smyrna.

    Thank You

  • christy alley says:

    I just signed up for the mixed martial arts class with this guy I seen some good post but then again bad post to me I don’t believe anything I hear only what I see and to me they can’t make you do nothing and if did not become a good fighter then you must not done something right I wanna learn how to fight defend myself so I’m trying it this out everyone should as well