(5 votes, average: 4.40 out of 5)
1 Review

Ston Skoth Martial Arts Academy is located in Lancaster, California, Tae Kwon Do, MMA, Judo, Self-Defense, Hollywood Stunt Fighting and much more. Brothers Ston and Skoth Lee have fought and performed competitively throughout hundreds of events. Try us for three months free.


Additional location at:
41958 50th St W, Ste. 2
Quartz Hill, CA 93536


  • Alexander says:

    I don t know how it was 5 years ago, but had my soon there for 2 years and the classes were getting worse and worse. Like one of the other reviews, for the summer of 2012 Skoth stopped going for about two weeks, sometimes there were students teaching the class and sometimes there wasn’t t anyone there, and don t think he made up for those days. At $120 a month for three days a week I expected A LOT more. I have to admit, whenever he was in the mood to really teach, he was really good, but those days became less and less frequent as the year progressed. On top of all that I am now being charged $1800 for an unpaid contract… what? At the end of the contract I decided not to renew for another year so I cancelled the contract. He called me a couple of months later asking us to go back (he would even reduce the price to $100 a month) I informed him that we were already going someplace else, and what do you know two months later I have a collection agency contacting me about the money I owed StonSkoth! I know I’m not the first person to go through this with him, so if you decide to go there make sure you keep records of EVERYTHING!!