Krav Maga Los Angeles in Santa Monica, California, is the only AUTHENTIC Israeli Self Defense Academy in California instructed personally by Roy Elghanayan who trained Israeli Special Forces. Our mission at KMLA is to offer customized training to empower others by learning AUTHENTIC Israeli Self Defense. You will experience advanced, tailored Krav Maga that will help you physically, emotionally, and mentally overcome life’s threats. We take our students through intense workouts, using updated tactics and techniques through structured programs.

You will have access to the same important factors, key points, and angles that are taught to the Israeli Special Forces today. You will know exactly where and what they put the emphasis on when it comes to self defense. Learn how to be ready for the unexpected by training with the source, Roy Elghanayan. Roy is the only TWO time Israeli Krav Maga National Champion and instructor for Israeli Special Forces. He is certified by the Israeli Defense Forces and holds the IDF Chief of Staff Award.
