Primal Martial Arts provides superior instruction in Taekwondo and Mixed Martial Arts in Wasilla, Alaska, and is currently the largest dedicated TKD studio in the state. If MIXED MARTIAL ARTS is what you are after, Anchorage Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu teaches a very comprehensive program at PMA that includes Grappling, Wrestling, Striking, and MMA Fitness.  We are proud to support the AFC here in Alaska.

We have TaeKwonDo classes for all ages and skill levels as well as an exciting after school Martial Arts Program.


  • John says:

    On 01/2010 ABJJ took over MMA and BJJ instruction at Primal out in the Valley. Primal has a great facility and the coaches from ABJJ are the highest ranked BJJ instructors in the Valley and the MMA team has some of the top fighters in the state. No one in the valley even comes close to what they offer. Check out the ABJJ web site,

  • Ringworm says:

    Hands down the best Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and MMA instruction in Alaska’s Mat-su Valley. Period. Fist class is free so give it a try.

  • Heidi says:

    I would have to agree, they are the BEST Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA instructors Alaska has to offer!! I promise you wont get better training! All the instructors are VERY knowledgeable in Jiu Jitsu and MMA training. The website is always updated with current events so you’ll always know what’s going on. Take a look at their website they give a lot of good information on the program and instructors for any questions you might have. Not to mention for all you MMA fighters where else are you going to find an actual fighting cage to practice in!! You wont be sorry, come check them out!

  • Owlie says:

    I train with this group both in Anchorage and in the Valley. The instructors are very knowledgeable and approachable. They train hard and fight hard, but are happy to work with people starting at any level. They are very technical in their approach to training and it shows in their performance both in the cage and at more traditional BJJ tournaments.

    This is an especially great place for ladies who may be interested in getting started in BJJ or MMA. The instructors work the women just as hard and with the same amount of respect that they work the men.

  • Leon says:

    If you are interested in getting a great workout and learning jiu jitsu this is the place for you. The instructors are the best in the state and the system of instruction/cardio/strength is not only a great workout, but has been proven to produce tremendous progress in both bjj and mma. Check it out!

  • Ryan says:

    While Anchorage Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (ABJJ) may have taken over trainig at Primal Martial Arts, it has not changed much about Primal Martial Arts. ABJJ is a wonderful school and I know plenty of people who workout there but Primal is just, well, “dirty”. Don’t get me wrong there are advantages, like being able to roll at either location (Anchorage or Wasilla) for the same price and their price is a bit cheaper than other BJJ places in the area but in the long run it wasn’t worth it to me. I won’t endorse another studio here because I feel like that’s disrespectful but do your research on BJJ in the area (Wasilla/Palmer/Mat-Su) and find a place that doesn’t have diapers and spit/dip on the floor. That alone was worth the couple (yes, couple) dollar difference to me.