Frontier Vale Tudo in Anchorage is the first MMA school in Alaska. We are affiliated with Marco Ruas, as we are owned by a Ruas Martial Arts Black Belt, and operated by a Ruas Martial Arts Brown Belt. We also are the only MMA school in Alaska that has a certified boxing instructor. We also train in MMA, Grappling, Boxing, Wrestling, Muay Thai Kickboxing, and Self Defense.


  • Derek says:

    I visited Alaska, and I went to all of the mixed martial arts gyms up there in Anchorage and Frontier Vale Tudo, was by far the best school up there for instruction. Not only that, Danny and the rest of the guys were very nice and helpful as well. I would not recommend the other gyms there at all.

  • Ethan Guzman says:

    I have been to many of the MMA gyms in Anchorage, and Frontier Vale Tudo is by far the best gym up there. Dan Malin is not only nice, but his instruction rivals some of the best instruction from some of the top guys down in the lower 48. He is also respectful, helpful and you don’t feel like somebody wants to beat you up, which is a common feeling you have when you go to other gyms. FVT gym is big and clean, I can’t give enough great praise to Dan and the people at FVT.
    Than You.

  • Giovanni says:

    The gym has a new website

  • Jim says:

    Derek/Ethan, All the major MMA fighters are at GB and ABJJ. FVT has never won a belt at the AFC or beat a major fighter. I think you might not understand what good training is.

  • fvt says:

    In our last ten fights our record is 8-1-1. All our fighters have less than two year of training and started from scatch. Creating “major MMA fighters” takes time. Not having champions doesn’t take away from the quality of instruction we provide. 85% of our students are not fighters. It is not the focus of the gym. The focus is quality instruction in a positive atmosphere. The few fighters we do have are young and still learning. One is ranked #1 in his weight class and fighting for a belt after only two fights and a little over a year of training. Sounds like good training to me.

  • breeeeee says:

    FVT is the best. not only do they have a mens class and a fighting class but they have a womens class that focuses most on cardio work mixed with kick boxing. its an awesome place to be. Danny isn’t the only trainer there everyone else helps out anyone who needs it. It’s not just a gym, it’s a community.

  • Jim says:

    So you guys have been around for 6 years but all your fighters have less than 2 years? What does that tell you, that you have to go somewhere else if you want to get better. I want to try the cage at least once, I would like to know my teachers know what they are doing. If in 6 years not one guy has done anything special it would seem you guys are just guessing. Your fighter is ranker #1 after two fights because there is know one in his weight class obviously. If a positive environment was my only goal I would join Tae Boe with Billy Blanks, then we could all hold hands and pretend we were fighters.

    I’m not trying to hate, just calling BS that you guy are in the league with others.

  • fvt says:

    Im not saying that we are in the same league with ABJJ and Gracie. All our current fighters have under three years of training. I had a very small gym until last year. The other fighters i have had moved on to ABJJ and Gracie with my blessings because they have more fighters and more expericenced instructors but I do the best i can for them. Im not trying to compete with ABJJ and Gracie because i cant. Im trying to give them the best instruction that I can. I dont worry about other gyms. If the students/fighters i have are happy, doing well and improving thats what i care about. Its not always all about fighting. I didnt write those reviews former or current students did. And that is what i will pay attention to.

  • Ethan Guzman says:

    I have been doing this (MMA/BJJ) for 15 years and I DO NOT like your tone. Your disrespect is off the charts, as is your mental state and so is your understanding of MMA. You said that you have not been in a MMA “cage” fight, and A lot of the best trainers are not active fighter (Greg Jackson etc.) and I know Dan Malin spars often, so just because he does not want to step into the octagon does not mean that he does not know what he is talking about. Like I said, I have been doing this for 15 years, I have fought (my last was on an Indian Reservation in San Diego, CA with Jeremy Horn was the Main Bout @ 1997 or 1998) and I HAVE trained with a lot of the best around the world. And I AM TELLING YOU, that GB is run by a large man who has a lot of financially rich students (that’s why their gym is big) and ABJJ is better than GB as far as teaching. So go train at GB receive poor instruction AND get hurt by a bunch of meatheads, and you will see how much of a difference a positive environment makes when you are a student. YOU personally should give all the gyms a try, and see who gives you the best MMA (not just BJJ) instruction; basics, details, theory, transitions and cardio (Boxing / Muay Thai / Grappling / Wrestling).

  • Jim says:

    If the training is so good where are the results? And don’t tell me it’s your super light guy with no people in his division. Didn’t Doug Evans start at FTV and quit to go to ABJJ for better MMA training? He is now the states top 145’er. I heard your head instructor has panic attacks if he goes to the fights, true? You can’t call your self an MMA instructor if you can’t even watch MMA without getting afraid. I did have a friend check it out, he tapped almost everyone there and he is just a high school wrestler. Face facts, this is not a true MMA class, but more like a place to hang out for the people not tough enough for the other MMA programs in town.

  • Ethan Guzman says:

    Wow. You’re a little boy Jim, and I don’t know who could possibly respect what you say. Once again, your disrespect is appalling. Your comments are so full of holes and poison that you obviously have a beef with this school, you keep talking about a school that you have never had anything to do with, so like I said, nobody that has any sense is going to respect what you say. I actually feel sorry for you now.
    So, we are all done with you now. You are null & void.

  • J says:

    4th best MMA team in Anchorage, unless you are a grown man that likes to sit around and talk about skateboarding then it’s the best. Not sure why they even stay open.

  • T Nice says:

    The gym is WAY too small. It can barely have 10 people on the mat at one time. Also, Danny Malin is nowhere near ready to be a head instructor of a gym. He is still way too unprofessional and imature. The priority of an instructor should be to better his students, not better himself. Look at the FVT website, it looks like another myspace/facebook page for Danny Malin. Doesn’t give you much info on the gym. I feel like Malin doesn’t put his students first. He is always worried about his reputation but he doesn’t even have one to begin with.

    Besides that, FVT has some pretty good fighters such as Maurice Mitchell and Bryce Palmer. Not too sure if Palmer reps the gym or just trains there with his head trainer who is the head striking instructor at FVT.