With the recent arrest of Jon Jones for suspicion of DUI the MMA world has been reminded that its favorite athletes are far from perfect when it comes to behavior outside of the Octagon. In honor of Spike TV’s World’s Wildest Police Chases airing tonight (Monday May 21) at 11:00 PM, we wanted to look back on some of the wildest moments in MMA’s history featuring a police presence.
Quinton Jackson – July 2008
Fresh off losing his light heavyweight title to Forrest Griffin, “Rampage” lived up to his nickname by terrorizing the streets of Costa Mesa with his jacked-up truck. The cause of his behavior was said to be the result of delirium induced by a combination of staying up for an extended period of time without sleep and consuming nothing but energy drinks. He was charged with a number of felonies and misdemeanors though ultimately only plead guilty to one of each, served 200 hours of community service, and was back at it in the UFC shortly thereafter.
Brett Rogers – June 2011
Police responded to reports of a woman screaming at the former Strikeforce heavyweight’s house where he answered the door showing signs of intoxication and a physical confrontation. Rogers explained he and his wife had been fighting. What he left out was his wife’s missing tooth and badly swollen face which authorities later encountered after tracking her down. He also was stated to have choked her and done some of the damage in front of their children. Rogers ultimately plead guilty to third-degree assault, served sixty days in jail, forced to go to counseling, and was given three years probation.
Lee Murray – February 2006
One of the baddest dudes in MMA history, Murray was famously connected to one of the largest heists in European history with more than 50,000,000 pounds stolen and thrown in Moroccan jail where he sits to this day serving out a 25 year term. Adding to his original sentence, Murray was also busted attempting to escape prison.
Jason Miller – December 2005
Long before “Mayhem” Miller was putting his sister in headlocks or instigating in-ring brawls he was a rising star competing primarily in Hawaii who, according to the police report, decided to break into a house one morning and assault his ex-girlfriend’s new squeeze. However, Miller was eventually acquitted of all charges after the jury was convinced he’d only kicked her door open to wake her and was defending himself against the other male there rather than attacking him.
Jon Koppenhaver / War Machine – 2007 to Present
Koppenhaver’s troubles with the law have been well-documented given the numerous assault cases he’s been attached to including one involving an attack at a party composed of actors in the adult film industry. Seriously. Earlier this year War Machine got out of prison after serving a yearlong term, seemingly having his life turned around, but was thrown back in the hoosegow based on a probation violation occurring prior to his initial release. Still in jail, he is expected to serve another nine months.
Make sure to tune in tonight at 11:00 PM on Spike TV to see how common criminals react to their own run-ins with the law!
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