John Kim’s Martial Arts School was the first traditional Taekwondo school in Cleveland, Ohio, which was founded by Grandmaster Myung (John) H. Kim in 1970 on appointment by the World Taekwondo Federation from Seoul, South Korea.  The intention of the WTF was to spread the art and sport of Taekwondo across the globe, which is now an official Olympic sport and practiced by 188 countries with over 70 million practitioners.  Over the past 39 years, it is estimated, that Kim’s Martial Arts School through all of its branches, clubs, and affiliates has taught over 50,000 students producing at least 5,000 Black Belts.

Kim’s Martial Arts School offers Cardio Kickboxing, Jiu-Jitsu, Hapkido, Taekwondo and Mixed Martial Arts. Our Mixed Martial Arts program is a very well rounded program that consist of boxing, kick boxing, tae kwon do, jiu jitsu, and wrestling. Our MMA program is broken down into two different classes. We have a stand up class on Monday and Wednesday nights and our ground defense classes are Tuesday, Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons.

Stand up nights consist of a intense warm up followed by boxing and kick boxing drills. These include proper striking techniques and situational drills. We also include some take downs and take down defense. Stand up classes run any where from sixty to ninety minutes. Our ground defense portion of the program is our Gracie Jiu Jitsu classes. The Jiu Jitsu classes offer knowledge on how to be in control of the situation on the ground. It is broken down from very basic techniques to some very advanced techniques. The most common techniques learned are the guard, arm bars, chokes, leg locks, and the mount. Grappling classes run sixty to ninety minutes.

Our program has both fighters and people that are just there to learn something while they get a great workout in. A lot of our MMA students are former wrestlers, football players, or former athletes who want the intensity they once had in high school or college. The intensity of each class is up to the individual. We promote safety first.

However the fighters we do have are very successful. Our fight team name is Forsaken City Fight Team. We have several very talented fighters and have a undefeated record. We are very proud of our program and guarantee it is one of the best out there.