American Martial Arts and Fitness Academy, Lansing’s premier mixed martial arts training facility. Learn the skills, techniques and principles which have been proven effective not only in sports competition, such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship, but in real life street confrontations. We offer training in Boxing, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Savate, Kali-Escrima-Arnis, Shoot Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do, Tai Chi, Mighty Dragon Kids Program, and Wing Chun.

At American Martial Arts and Fitness Academy, training often includes the use of boxing gloves, focus mitts, Thai pads, heavy bags, and jump ropes. We also feature a full sized boxing ring and fully matted wrestling room to help you train and stay in shape. AMAFA has a large Play Room with video games, coloring books and other toys where children can play while their parents are training. The Play Room is located next to the boxing ring in the picture below, with large windows in the front and back so it easy to see the kids at any time.