REVOLUTION is one of the first schools in Central Arkansas to offer full time programs specializing in Mixed Martial Arts. Known for our revolutionary training methods, we are one of the most sought after Mixed Martial Arts schools in Arkansas.  Our location in Benton offers instruction in Jiu-Jitsu, Mixed Martial Arts, Muay Thai, and Renegade Training.

We are proud that our program is affiliated with Living Defense Martial Arts and Modern Ringsport. Modern Ringsport is Arkansas’ Original Mixed Martial Arts and Kickboxing Production. Danny Dring started Modern Ringsport in 1996 as an amateur show to give area martial artists a chance to compete in Mixed Martial Arts long before it gained the popularity it has today. In 2005, Modern Ringsport put on the first PRO MMA SHOW Sanctioned by teh Arkansas Athletic Commission. In the 11 years that Modern Ringsport has been in existance, ti has produced many fighters who have competed across the nation and the World with great success. Members of Team Revolution regularly compete in Modern Ringsport and other reputable promotions.

At REVOLUTION, we offer a complete training program in Mixed Martial Arts. Whether you are the new beginner, or experienced professional, we have a professional staff, proven training methods, and the connections needed to take you to the top of your game.

Ignoring today’s focus on the commercial aspects of martial arts by carbon copy schools and the glamourous, egocentric and fruitless focus of the latest fight club fad, Revolution MMA has instead returned to the traditional ways of “another time” which seems to have been long forgotten in today’s martial arts world: another time where adversity was something men overcame. Revolution is not a turn of new ideas but a much needed return to the lost ways of old. Revolution welcomes people from all walks of life who are ready for a change. The Revolution is now!


  • Charles says:

    Have been training on and off for 3 years with this gym. Great instructors and a relaxed atmosphere. Intense training for those who want to be fighters and great exercise for those looking to get in shape.

  • Carl & Ryan says:

    We have been extremley happy since joining Revolution MMA BJJ program. We have trained at other places and it was always about “billy bad ass” trying to show you how good they are and doing little to help you improve your skills, this place couldn’t be different. The professors, coaches and students are all about helping everyone to be better. My son has access to instructors and is shown techniques that you will not find anywhere. He not only gets to learn from world champion instructors he also gets access to world champions from all over the world. The first time on the mat at a recent workshop my son got to “roll” with the 2011 Brazilian nation champion and 2 time world champion while being instructed by a 7 time world champion. I never thought world class training could be found right here in Arkansas. GO HOGS!!!