USA Jiu Jitsu National Training Center in Springfield, Virginia, exists to establish Jiu-Jitsu in the United States as an official amateur sport, to govern the sport, provide rules for tournaments, set standards for promotions, provide guidance to individuals wishing to participate in the sport, either as operators of schools & academies, students just wanting to learn and those individuals and companies providing products and services to the Jiu-Jitsu community. The idea is to open up the sport to everyone.

USA JIU JITSU is a non-profit organization founded by some of the most respected and distinguished participants in Jiu Jitsu over the past 50 years. USA JIU JITSU will govern an inclusive NATIONAL JIU JITSU community. We are committed to a community free of bias and favoritism with fair and consistent rules and clearly defined short and long term goals that will allow for your advancement in JIU JITSU whether you are a Student, Instructor, Academy or Tournament Promoter.

The classes at the NTC are entirely ran by senior staff members of USA JJ, starting with our very own “Papa John”.

This group of passionate practictioners are one of the major assets in the Organization, and they invite you to join us!