Ekata Martial Arts and Fitness in Valencia, California, offers instruction in Jeet Kune Do/MMA, Self Defense, Muay Thai, Savate, Qi Gong and Pilates.  The name “Ekata” means “oneness” in Sanskrit. This is the underlying theme of our school. Bruce Lee’s philosophy in Jeet Kune Do embodies the essence of the Eastern arts, in that he recognized that there is more than one path to enlightenemnt.

Jeet Kune Do is a very efficient and practical martial art for self-defense, but is also a tool for learning. Through Jeet Kune Do children learn about respect, discipline, health and goal-setting. We adults learn to uncover the source of our own ignorance. Martial Arts intent is to help us defend ourselves, but without the philosophical tradition passed from generation to generation, it is nothing more than street fighting.

The point of learning to fight is learning not to fight – it is to discover peace, good health and tranquility, but still have fun in the process.

Whether your interest lies in full-contact competition fighting, self-introspection and meditation or getting the body fit, Jeet Kune Do offers something for everyone.

We believe that the best way to experience Ekata is to come in and try us out. That’s why we are currently offering all prospective students a free, private introductory lesson and orientation with an Ekata instructor. Call now to set up yours, and get started on an experience that will enhance your life!